Out of nowhere Thursday night, we had a severe hailstorm. We definitely had some damage, but considering everything else going on in the world, we'll be fine. The sound of the hail beating on the windows was incredible echoing throughout the house. We sustained some damage to our roof, windows, and bathroom skylight. A few of my patio plants took a beating, and you'll notice that our magnolia tree leaves look like they were put through a food processor. It also beat the stain off of our fence!! Our yard looked like a plane flewover and dumped Sonic ice! The insurance adjustor comes in the morning. I hope it goes well!
Here are a few shots I took during the storm and the following morning~
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5 hours ago
Ugh! So sorry to hear/see. I can't believe the size of the hail!!! We went through that a few years ago and it was a nightmare. We had to get a new roof, and my husband, who was on his way home from work when the storm hit, had his car dented to...well, let's just say it was bad!